I’ve been called that before… more than once! But we’re not talking about me. I am referring to my “Bad Boy” lawn mower. What do you get when you cross a riding lawn mower with a go-cart? you get a “Bad Boy” and mowing the lawn is suddenly fun!

Push mower – 7 hours of boring … Bad Boy – Less than an hour and a half of fun

When you have to mow several acres you need some extra help – zero turn is the way to go! The only problem is that all the visitors want to mow the lawn…

Not too sure how even the lines will look…
Ready to mow!

As usual, every time I get a fun toy, Jean seems to end up with it…
Hey, Come back here!
Just couldn’t stop with the lawn… 2 miles of trails and counting… just need another mile or so for our own 5k cross country course